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Vision & Mission Statement

The Global Free Society concept is a global concept. As such a common bond between all of earths inhabitants must be sought. This bond cannot be obtained through threat, or adversity. The bond will form naturally through opportunity, through potential, through freedoms and through a shared vision of a far more fulfilling existence for all.

The keystone in this strategy of unification is a vision statement outlining our dreams, goals and desire for a safe and prosperous future for all on planet earth.

In the book, Global Free Society, author Alan Perrins offers an initial blueprint version that shows the many areas we would need to explore, refine and formulate to act as a compass for the future of humanity.

We are all encouraged to join in the conversation here and through consensus we will move forward with the most popular version, a Global Free Society 1.0 vision statement.

What follows is the exert from the book to give everyone Alan’s example and a further explanation by him of the intended meaning behind each sentence.

Vision Statement

“We, a unified humanity, shall work together and agree to equally share all resources dependent upon need.

We shall ensure freedom for everyone, in all aspects of the meaning with simple laws agreed by consensus allowing all to follow and adhere to without restricting personal choice.

Non-harm and tolerance in all forms, will be at the centre of our society and be applicable to all persons and collectives without exception.

We shall all take responsibility for our personal actions with tolerance and respect at the very Core of our society.

An equal voice in all decisions of local and global importance will be our right and acceptance of the society’s decisions will be given by all.

Restoring our beautiful and abundant planet to its former glory shall be at the forefront of our efforts and finding new ways to live in symbiosis with our planet will be our main objective.

The personal pursuit of happiness and fulfilment will be our new focus through career choices as well as personal time to enjoy the fruits of our collective abundance.

Freeing mankind from needless drudgery by utilising our immense combined intellect will be our shared goal, allowing all of humanity the freedom to experience life to its fullest and reach our greatest potential individually and as a collective.

Honesty, transparency and integrity shall permeate our entire global culture.

We will take immense pride in the planet and the resources we leave for our children.

Even just one member of humanity not receiving all laid out in this global agreement will be seen as a failure of our desire to make this worthy dream a reality, we will not let that happen”


As you can see what you have just read is not the current state of affairs globally today, so this is definitely a vision statement for our future, not a mission statement.A mission statement we will cover at the end of this page. 

At the moment it’s just flowery words, so let’s go through the vision statement sentence by sentence and let me explain exactly what I mean and how that would manifest in the real world. As I go through these points don't worry about how on earth we can make this happen, that’s what the book and the video series is there to do. To explain the larger opportunity to make this a reality.

Just for the minute try to imagine how this would affect you and your family, your neighbours and friends. Does this sound like something worth your attention? Is this something that would excite you, make you proud to be part of and improve the quality of life for you, your family, the planet and all those that follow after you?


“We, a unified humanity, shall work together and agree to equally share all resources dependent upon need.”


The key wording here is “unified humanity” and is the most important part of our actions. A society that shares its physical and intellectual resources in the pursuance of a common goal will obviously flourish more than a collection of individuals pursuing their own agenda.

This does not require that all the resources are shared out equally, this system is more about equity, a share of resources based on need. Meaning that everyone is guaranteed at least a minimum standard of living to pursue a safe, happy and fulfilled life. A minimum standard set by us, the global population.

Working together ultimately means a huge rise in the quality of life. It enables a revision on how we view our work and leisure time balance. To prioritise our own time, our own lives above any financial considerations.

Quality Health care and education for everyone can also be guaranteed, only restricted by our own physical ability to provide these essential services, not outdated artificial constraints.

It means if we work together there will always be someone there to pick you up when you fall down.

In a  nut shell, it means a resource based economy.


“We shall ensure freedom for everyone, in all aspects of the meaning with simple laws agreed by consensus allowing all to follow and adhere to without restricting personal choice.”


Freedom of thought, movement, choice, expression and speech. Humanity is amazing in its diversity, amazing in its creativity, in its compassion, in its resolve and adaptability. But what is really most amazing is that although we are all so different, we are also so very similar.

We cannot allow ourselves to be caged or restricted by others. If by our own actions we do not harm or have the potential to harm anyone or anything, then we cannot allow any laws to impose on our free will.

Our laws must protect the individuals rights and freedoms as well as the greater society. All laws must be brought into existence through the peoples will, through consultation, through a real need.

Freedom of expression, it should never matter how you choose to express yourself, as always, within reason. That must apply to religious beliefs also, where subservience to the doctrine must always be through personal choice and not threat or consequences.Censorship must be practised on a personal level, again, within reason.

Freedom to travel is a major goal, no borders. The only restrictions should be for personal safety and the respecting of nature where vulnerable. This is your planet, no one has the right to stop you enjoying it in its entirety, it is your birth right.

Freedom from oppression, by government, groups and individuals. And with greater freedoms comes greater responsibility. We are mature enough to make our own decisions, we no longer need to defer our authority to a ruling party.

Freedom to pursue happiness, to reduce the necessity to work to an absolute minimum. Re-thinking our working week is a major factor in allowing humanity to each develop our own potential, to pursue what makes us whole.

“Simple laws”, quite simply this refers toa return to common sense, just as we did many years ago when common law was introduced. A move away from our current nanny state where the individual has their ability to reason and think for themselves diminished or even removed.

All laws that are of necessity will only be brought into place through society wide consultation and agreement, which will be the definition of necessity.

Within reason, often mentioned throughout our material, simply means with common sense and consideration on all sides. And of course to respect the shared resources of our global society.


“Non-harm and tolerance in all forms, will be at the centre of our society and be applicable to all persons and collectives without exception.”


Non-harm refers to physical and mental actions, anything that can cause distress to another human, animals or nature, within reason.

Tolerance is the basis for all coexisting societies and cultures to live in peace. So, to treat people as you wish to be treated.



“We shall all take responsibility for our personal actions with tolerance and respect at the very Core of our society.”


With increased freedoms comes increased responsibility, with increased rights comes even more responsibility.

In many ways the Global Free Society puts the power and decision making firmly back into the hands of the people. This can only work if we actually take full responsibility for our own actions.

Taking more responsibility also lessens our need for excessive laws that tell us what to do. It lessens our need for non essential workers that could be working in more productive job roles. It also removes our ability to blame others for our life situation, to know that our life’s journey is firmly in our hands and we are not reliant on authority, hand outs or even able to blame others for our own personal situation.

This also means respecting others life choices, even if they are in opposition to our own.


“An equal voice in all decisions of local and global importance will be our right and acceptance of the society’s decisions will be given by all.”


Pure Democracy, democracy in which the power is exercised directly by the people rather than through representatives.

No longer do we need to defer our decision making and voice in all matters of importance to a social elite that do not even comprehend the plight of the average citisen.

Surely this is the only way all in humanity can accept with grace any decision that is in opposition to their own views or wishes. And when we know all the decision makers stand to gain or lose exactly the same, no exceptions?


“Restoring our beautiful and abundant planet to its former glory shall be at the forefront of our efforts and finding new ways to live in symbiosis with our planet will be our main objective.”


With a new global perspective we can now all share in the responsibility of the global damage and destruction we have co created in the name of progress. Not to leave the problem to the country or region that has sold its heritage for our consumption and short term benefit.

We can now look at new forms of construction and manufacture that are more sustainable from a global perspective, not a financial or short term perspective.

We can now “afford” to invest back into our planet with a global mission that will “leave it better than you found it.”

Finding ways to live in symbiosis with our planet is only achievable once you remove the financial and political aspects for good.


“The personal pursuit of happiness and fulfilment will be our new focus through career choices as well as personal time to enjoy the fruits of our collective abundance.”


Quality of life for all must be the focus of all our endeavours. The create a system that supports us, not the other way round.

Our goal must be to create a people centric system that addresses the play-work balance positively.

Working 5 days a week for almost our entire adult life is not conducive to a full and rewarding life.

Working all our lives to then only retire when our bodies start to fail us must be seen for the complete madness it represents.


“Freeing mankind from needless drudgery by utilising our immense combined intellect will be our shared goal, allowing all of humanity the freedom to experience life to its fullest and reach our greatest potential individually and as a collective.”


This can be achieved through a Designed system, fit for purpose. One that allows humanity to choose what work should be automated and what work we choose to do.

We cannot continue to be slaves to a man made concept which gives false values of scarcity throughout all aspects of our lives.

We live on a planet of unbelievable abundance and through a designed system we can actually create a life where we get to enjoy that abundance. And to realise our own potential through a global system of mutual support and co-operation, the default human condition.

Our long term goal must be the complete automation of all jobs not requiring human qualities, such as compassion, humour, creativity and love.


“Honesty, transparency and integrity shall permeate our entire global culture.”


This ideal has to start with the very systems we put in place to direct and facilitate our global society, our future.

The days of secrecy and self service must be put behind us with a new system that does not allow for these immoral and outdated ways.

And through good leadership with complete transparency, honesty and integrity can we each also adopt these principles into our own personal core beliefs and actions.

Transparency must apply to current, future and past government actions. To move forward we must know what has been committed in our name, good or bad. We all have a right to know regardless of the political considerations. Society or individual security being the only possible exceptions.

The media, in all forms, must be the light bearers here. For it has the ability to affect the world population in an extremely positive or negative manner. It is key to our success and therefore must bear the responsibility and also the ramifications of misuse.


“We will take immense pride in the planet and the resources we leave for our children.”


Working together, as a unified species, is the only way we can truly accomplish this. We need a global solution to our global problems.

The good news is there is not a man woman or child that is not in a hundred percent agreement.Once we remove the false values, the false controls and unite in a global vision this now becomes an inevitability.


“Even just one member of humanity not receiving all laid out in this global agreement will be seen as a failure of our desire to make this worthy dream a reality, we will not let that happen”


This is an ambitious plan, possibly the most ambitious plan humanity has ever been asked to consider.

But, we do not need to invent anything new. We have everything already at our fingertips. We have abundance all around us, abundance oftechnology, of natural resources, of intellect, of creativity, of good will, of compassion.

It just requires enough like minded people that want to see a change in the world, that want to unite and share in opportunity and prosperity.

And only through opportunity can we finally realise the dream of a unified planet earth.


The idea here is to give a clear and understandable statement that everyone globally can take ownership of and be inspired by the intention and vision.

On its own this simple “vision statement” will not unite the world, of course not, we also need actions. And that’s also what the global Free Society concept delivers.

This is a blueprint version, as mentioned previously. I now challenge you to use your own creative linguistic powers to truly craft a vision statement worthy of all of humanity. As long as you cover all the areas outlined above and not add anything that is in contradiction to our ethos, then we will share your version and at some stage in the future invite all to enjoy your creativity and vote on the preferred version.

A vision statementfor humanity version 1.1.

(Please use the contact feature in these early stages)


As well as a vision statement most good companies also have a mission statement or company Motto. This is for in the now, today, not the future.

A quick few motivational and inspirational words that can guide and remind people in their daily activities. As we don’t currently have one I shall put the following forward, for many reasons.


               “Leave it better than you found it.”


Of course the first thing that should spring to your mind when you read this is the current state of the planet, and yes it does primarily relate to that. It also has relevance in everything we do day to day in the society we are about to discuss. This simple statement will help ensure we have quality in all aspects of our lives as well as helping reduce needless jobs, allowing more human resource in areas where we truly need people in job roles that make a real difference.


On September 21, 1987 the then President of the USA made a speech to the United Nations General Assembly. In it he said the following words.

"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"


This was not the first time he had offered this observation, in fact he made this comment previously and several time later. Surprisingly Former United States President Bill Clinton recently made an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show and what he stated was eerily similar to President Ronald Reagan comments in 1987.


“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

It’s not often one gets a chance to tell two former presidents that they are wrong but this is just that occasion. A threat will not unify the world’s population. We have seen many threats unfortunately in our past and current histories which unite countries and peoples, but this has always proven temporary. Once the fighting stops over time the petty differences are allowed to re-emerge as each party begins once again to pursue their own selfish interests.

It will not be a threat that will unite humanity, it will be opportunity. An opportunity for all to live in peace with prosperity and abundance for all. Only by making these conditions common throughout our planet will mankind be able to enjoy a shared and unified future. 


A GLOBAL FREE SOCIETY can deliver these conditions, but only with your support.

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